Employee Travel Time… I hear this question fairly often:“Am I required to pay my employees for travel time from their home to a faraway job site/work location?” Here’s my response:Good question! 😊 [read more]
The legal landscape for California employers is ever-changing. California Assembly Bill 749 was signed into effect on October 12, 2019, and beginning January 1, 2020, California employers’ agreements with its employees [read more]
You’ve taken great care in setting up your business, including purchasing various insurance policies to protect against potential claims and lawsuits. But what good are all of those hundreds of thousands [read more]
California recently enacted SB1343, which amended California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”) to expand employers’ sexual harassment training requirements. Previously, employers with 50 or more employees had to provide their [read more]
So you spent money on developing a fancy website for your business, but is it accessible to the disabled? If it isn’t, you are at significant risk of being sued [read more]
Have you ever wondered how to figure out if someone who works for you should be considered an employee or an independent contractor? Well, the rules just became more clear and more restrictive at [read more]