We all know that it’s important to think about how our customers experience our business.
Start by asking yourself these questions:
- How do my clients first hear about my business?
- What motivated them to reach out to me?
- What problem of theirs did I solve?
- What was the worst part of their interaction with my business?
- What was the best part of their interaction with my business?
When you start asking these questions, you help your future customers and your business immensely.
Your answers to these questions can shape what you do tomorrow and how you adjust your business.
- You may find that almost all of your business comes from referrals.
- You may find that it takes 12 months from the time customers first hear about you to the time you seal the deal.
You might just uncover the key to doubling your business – that one pain point that turns people away.
What’s the cost? If you never choose to put yourself in your customer’s shoes, you’re missing out on insights that could transform your business.
Remember, you don’t know what your customers are really going through until you ask them.
Get in the habit of immediately asking people how they heard about you, what they thought of your services/team, and if they have any feedback – they’ll appreciate you’re asking, and you’ll gain understanding that will improve your business.