You need a support network. A group of people who are in a similar stage of career or life who can give you counsel when you need it and who you can go to for quick thoughts on plans you’re making.
But who should be in your support network? And how do you build one?
Have you ever talked with someone, and when you walked away, you felt recharged, happy, and like you had someone on your side?
Whenever I meet someone who seems to genuinely care about me or my business, I work to foster that relationship so they know I care about them too.
Get these kinds of people in your support network.
You can actually start building a strong support network right now just by texting any other business owners you know and seeing if they’d like to get coffee this week. Before you know it, you’ll have an unbelievable support network that benefits everyone involved.
I hope you have a list of people you can call, message, or meet with that you can talk to about your business, new ideas you have, and advice when you need it.
If you don’t already have a support network, I know you’ll benefit from growing one!