The drama surrounding Obamacare has not even begun to dwindle down. Recent news show that two federal appeal court rulings have conflicting rulings regarding the legality of Obamacare subsidies.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that the IRS wrongly extended subsidies to those purchasing health insurance through This conflicts with the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the same day of a similar case that upheld the Obamacare subsides.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia’s ruling regarding Obamacare subsidies raises concerns for the millions of individuals who depend on receiving tax benefits through the federal Exchanges. While the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals undermined the final decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, it still has millions of Americans worrying.
The language used in the Obamacare guidelines proves to restrict subsidies for state-run exchanges. The 36 states with federally-run exchanges are not authorized to provide individuals with subsidies. Confusion heightens surrounding this topic because millions of individuals who depend on those subsidies are restricted to the benefits when they purchase their insurance through a state-run exchange.
For any remaining questions regarding Obamacare subsidies, feel free to contact the legal experts at Gaudy Law. Contact us today and allow us to answer any remaining questions you may have. We understand this can be a confusing topic and we can help you determine how the court rulings will affect you.